In Memory

Michele Shubert

Michele Shubert

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04/08/17 04:07 PM #1    

Ruth Dorfler (Bennett)

Michele was my best friend for many years through high school. We shared great times in orchestra, Pen & Ink, and the Junior Classical League. After we both graduated from college, we spent nearly 8 weeks bicycling and traveling around France. Michele was so smart, talented and beautiful. We lost touch for many years, sadly, until the post on this site just weeks ago. Thanks to the kindness of her family and especially her sister,  I think she knew that she was loved and never forgotten by her old friend. May she rest in peace.

04/09/17 05:23 AM #2    

Sterling Phipps

Michele was voted the most intelligent girl in our class, which I believe she was.  It's too bad that she opted not to keep in touch with her classmates, even up to the end.  I would have liked to hear her pungent observations on the state of the world occasionally.  She died of cancer; I hope her passing wasn't painful.

04/10/17 11:36 AM #3    

Judith Spector (Huret)

Perhaps Michelle was the smartest person (not just female, Sterling) in our class. She was also one of the nicest. In any event, we all had some wonderful fun together. Remember racing our chariot, Obex, at the Indianapolis Speedway?  And peeling grapes at our toga parties?  Nerds, for sure, but good fun.  I wanted to reach out to Michele but respected her familiy's wishes.  Glad you got in touch, Ruth, to share our love.  

04/10/17 12:08 PM #4    

David Walter

In a class of very smart people, Michele was outstanding.  Fifty five years later I can still remember a five minute oral presentation she made in 11th grade English.  She logically and forcefully debunked the cliche about "Money is the Root of All Evil."  It made a real impression on me and her example of critical thinking and questioning of "authority" was helpful throughout my career.  I always expected her to surface one day as editor of some opinion journal and, as Sterling said, give us her pungent commentary on the times in which we live (d).

10/07/17 08:05 AM #5    

Nancy Smith (Mullins)

Michele was a neighbor and school friend.  She and I were Girl Scouts together...even at an age when it was no longer cool to be a Girl Scout.  Along with Judy Yohe and Ruth Dorfler, we went to camp together.  I remember Michele's mother as being bright, beautiful and exotic in a way that the other mothers were not.  I suspect Michele was very like her mother in this way.  

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